Spring Open Event - 11th May & 12th May
Spring Open Event - 11th May & 12th May

Building a garden office: tips

Tips for building a garden office

So you have made the decision of building a garden office. There is so much inspiration all over the internet that it can be hard to narrow down what you want. We have put together some useful tips to help you out. Make it multifunctional  Although its main use is a home office, a garden […]

15 Benefits of an eco garden room

Benefits of an eco garden room

Garden rooms are on the rise as the latest home improvement trend, especially since the lockdown of 2020. A lot of us discovered a newfound appreciation for our gardens. For those of you that are intrigued by these little green rooms but are unsure, we have put together 15 benefits of an eco garden room.  […]

A sustainable alternative for your garden yoga studio.

Garden workroom .

Have you been looking for an alternative space to practise yoga? A place where you can relax or even teach the art of yoga in the vicinity of your own home? This blog will look at a more sustainable option for your garden yoga studio. Benefits of a garden yoga studio  A garden yoga studio […]

What is Biophilic Design? Why is it important to our garden rooms?

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Here at workroom we put sustainability at the heart of everything we design and make. We believe our garden rooms can create a comfortable and stylish environment for people needing extra space in their home to thrive in. We know that the great outdoors, if only in your garden, can provide the much needed sanctuary […]

How workplace environment influences productivity

workplace environment

Working somewhere we are comfortable isn’t just more pleasant; researchers have found that it makes us more productive. If we’re happy in our working environment, we work harder, better and faster. In this article, we explore how the workplace environment influences productivity. Including some hints and tips on how you can design the perfect workspace. […]

Why a home commute is better for workplace wellbeing

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The coronavirus pandemic may have ended the daily commute for millions of us. It’s freed us from one stress but caused another, with many of us struggling to work on kitchen tables, in armchairs or on laps.  Psychologists and scientists have established that having a dedicated workspace is critical to mental health and wellbeing. “Commuting” […]