Spring Open Event - 11th May & 12th May
Spring Open Event - 11th May & 12th May


Do garden rooms need foundations?

Types of Foundations

Concrete Slabs

Concrete Plinths

Ground Screws

Do garden rooms need foundations?

Like many building projects, garden rooms do need foundations to distribute the structure’s weight evenly, enhance durability and prevent water ingress from the ground. There are a number of types of foundations that can be used.

Types of Foundations

Depending on the garden room size, the intended use of the garden room and the soil type, there are a number of foundation options available.

Concrete Slab:

This is a durable and stable option. A concrete slab provides a solid base for your garden room and helps to prevent moisture from seeping into the structure. It requires proper preparation, including excavation, forming, and pouring concrete. Though this has been a popular option for many years, it is not without its drawbacks. Firstly, the site will need easy access for an excavator to conduct the groundworks. These can be disruptive, particularly for the root structures of nearby trees. Concrete also gives off CO2. 900 kg of CO2 is emitted for the fabrication of every ton of cement. 

Concrete Plinths:

This option uses individual concrete footings that can be used to support the corners and potentially the middle of the garden room. A plinth is typically made from reinforced concrete positioned on compacted ground. This option provides stability and elevation without the need for extensive groundworks. It also results in the need for less concrete and so mitigates costly material usage and potential Co2 emission. That said, it still requires preparation of the ground, suitable compacted soil and access to transport and place the >400kg plinths.

Ground Screws:

Screw piles are a relatively new innovative foundation option. A number of large threaded steel rods are driven into the ground with a specialist tool. They provide a stable foundation for a garden room without the need for extensive excavation. The frame of the building is then fixed to the head of the screws. This option is growing in popularity because it avoids disruptive groundworks and the lack of cement means there is no setting time so construction can begin immediately after installation.

At Little Green Rooms, we use ground screws to secure all our garden rooms for the reasons listed above. If you have any questions regarding foundations or would like to come into the showroom and look at our screw piles then please book a visit today. 

At Little Green Rooms, we use ground screws to secure all our garden rooms for the reasons listed above. If you have any questions regarding foundations or would like to come into the showroom and look at our screw piles then please book a visit today. 

Email: hello@littlegreenrooms.co.uk

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